“Natural Medicare” Line

The exclusive line of preparates Natural Medicare is designed for skin care with increased activity of the sebaceous glands prone to rashes, irritations and acne. For professional and home use.

The product range is designed to treat all the symptoms of skin imbalance: oily shine, enlarged pores, inflammation, redness and irritation, skin rashes, acne, acne, uneven complexion.

The line preparations contain natural components obtained from fruits and vegetables, in combination with vitamins, alpha and beta hydroxy acids of high concentration, necessary for normal functioning, regeneration and normalization of natural skin regeneration.

The drugs have undergone professional testing, proving their high efficiency in everyday use.


Essential components of the Natural Medicare line

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) are obtained from various types of fruits. AHA-acid molecules freely penetrate the epidermis and destroy the bonds between cells, dissolving the dead particles, thereby allowing the skin to be renewed. AHA-acids are used in peeling to remove dead skin cells in the upper layer of the epidermis.

Lactic acid is a natural component of moisturizing, it has a soft effect on the skin, helps to reduce the thickness of the upper layer of the epidermis, prevents blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts, gently removes dead skin scales, binds and retains moisture, enhances barrier properties of the skin, activates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, removes pigment spots , even the color of the skin.

Glycolic acid – a natural substance, extracted from sugar cane, is able to penetrate deep into the skin pores. It is used as a treatment for acne. Eliminates small scars (post acne). Acts quickly and radically, but very gently.

Salicylic acid – a wonderful exfoliating agent, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, keratolytic, keratoplastic action.

Kalamin – zinc oxide, used to narrow the expanded pores, protect and soothe the skin, as well as disinfection and prevention of infections.

Also in the line Natural Medicare includes such components as calendula, chamomile, witch hazel, salicylic acid, menthol, lycopene, vitamins A, E, C, hyaluronic acid.

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